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Learn everything you need to know about your future community before you rent or buy.


MoversAtlas MoveMap™

Use the MoversAtlas MoveMap to interactively view and display a variety of information about your future Florida community! MoveMap gives the user the control, allowing you to view map features that catch your interest and ignore the ones that don't. There are a wide range of categories to chose from such as schools, recreation, community amenities, environmental hazards, safety and a whole host of heat maps. What are you waiting for, check out MoveMap™ now!

Some of What You'll Find

Schools & School Grades

Have kids? Use MoversAtlas to quickly assess the school and daycare options in your prospective community. Clicking on a school will reveal its quality; each school is graded A-F based on its students’ performance on the Florida Standards Assessment (Florida’s standardized student proficiency test). Consistency is important, be sure to look for schools that have routinely scored A’s and B’s over the past few years.

Home Ownership Rate

Are you searching for a new place to live or purchasing an investment property? Either way, you’ll want to review statistics such as the homeownership rate and household income or useful information such as flood zones and assessed parcel value. This type of Information allows you to quickly decide which areas of Florida are best suited for investing in, retiring to, or raising a family.

Safety Information

How effective will emergency response services be in your new neighborhood? Response times to incidents like fires, crimes and medical emergencies are partially dependent on geographic proximity to fire stations, police stations and hospitals. MoversAtlas will show you where these and many other points of interest are in your potential new community.

Have you Considered?

Have there been any sink holes near your new home? Is there a boat ramp nearby? What about pollution problems or prisons? Whether you’re buying or renting or looking to purchase an investment property, we’re sure MoversAtlas will help. Our MoveMap was designed to save you time, effort and help you make more informed decisions during your search for the perfect Florida community.

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MoversAtlas is the best place to complete your Florida home search

MoversAtlas helps you find out everything you need to know about Florida. At MoversAtlas we understand that deciding where to live is an extremely important and often difficult decision. If you’re not familiar with Florida it can be tough to figure out where exactly within Florida you would like to live. We make the process easier by supplying information about communities and neighborhoods throughout Florida. Use our MoveMap to locate community amenities such as daycares, schools and churches in Florida. Make sure you look for environmental hazards like flood zones, waste sites and sinkholes within Florida as well. Whether you’re buying a single-family house, condominium, townhouse or just renting, MoversAtlas helps you fully understand the community around your new Florida home.

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